Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Garden and the Dog

This is going to be a more unusual post. I need to show you the pictures of the garden and my newly groomed dog. I am going to be reorganizing my posts starting Monday - a better flow and some regular musings if you feel like following along..... But I will talk about that on Monday, for now, on to the loose ends

We have a garden in our backyard, a huge walk in garden. It was off to a slow start this year but the kids found some amazing zucchini - it is HUGE!!!

I also want to share a few pictures of my Matty dog. We have had her longer than we have had children. She is our first baby. She is a great dog - *note* I did not say fancy dog! She is getting a bit older and a bit more grey. I took her in to be groomed last week and I must say she still cleans up nice!

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1 comment:

  1. That zucchini is awesome! (I still remember the crop you got last year - *snicker*) I need to get going on pics of my garden too... very cute pics of Matty - love the little mohawk! :)


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