Sunday, March 29, 2009

Olyvia's 1st T-ball game

Olyvia's 1st t-ball game was fantastic! My dad is coaching her team and his debut was a success! Every kid was able to hit the ball, run to 1st base, stop the ball and throw it to someone (maybe not the right someone, but to someone none the less).
Olyvia was so excited to put on her T-ball "outfit" at 9 am, the game was not until 11am but whatever. As I loaded up the car she helped me so we could get to her game faster. She popped in the back seat with her pink mitt and pink water bottle in hand. When we arrived at the ball park she hopped out of the car and took off to find her place in line to play catch and warm up. Then with a loud "Go Lakewood" the game began. She batted, she ran, she caught (kind of) and she threw with all her might! She had a smile the whole time! After the game they gave high fives to the other team and had a team meeting. Papa gave them a good pep talk and told them that they did a great job and then they had the all important team snack. I asked her what her favorite part was and she said "I liked batting...and running, and catching, and throwing. It was all fun, I am so glad I signed up for T-ball!" My heart was aglow and full of joy! It was a great day!

Lyv and her Papa

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  1. Too adorable! I love that your dad is coaching! GO-oooooo TOM!!!

  2. That is so FUN!!! What a great start to spring. Way to go Olyvia!

  3. so much fun!!!  we will start in a few weeks, yeah, t-ball for 2 and machine pitch for 1.  oh the joys of a big family!


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